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A Clean Room is a room in which the concentration of suspended particles in the air is controlled. It should be constructed and used to minimize the introduction, generation and retention of particles in the room. Other relevant parameters such as temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. are required to be controlled. Air cleanliness refers to the extent of the amount of dust particles in the air in a clean environment, high dust concentration is low cleanliness, low dust concentration is high cleanliness.
Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, of which 9 is the lowest level.
Cleanrooms can be divided into three categories: unidirectional flow, laminar flow, and Cleanroom.
Parallel flow lines along a single direction and cross-section of the air velocity of the same. Where a unidirectional flow perpendicular to the horizontal plane is a vertical unidirectional flow a unidirectional flow parallel to the horizontal plane is a horizontal unidirectional flow.
Turbulent flow non-unidirectional flow cleanroom, where the airflow does not meet the definition of unidirectional flow.
Mixed Flow Cleanroom: A Cleanroom where airflow is a combination of unidirectional and non-unidirectional flow.
According to the category of suspended particles in the air to be controlled by the clean room, the Clean Room can be divided into industrial Clean Room and Biological Clean Room. Industrial Clean Room, it is the main control parameters are temperature, humidity, wind speed, airflow organization, cleanliness. Biological Clean Room It is the same as the Industrial Clean Room The difference is that the control parameters are added to control the concentration of indoor bacteria.
Empty a fully equipped Clean Room with all pipelines connected and running but without production equipment, materials and production personnel.
Static in a fully constructed Clean Room with all facilities, production equipment is installed and tested in a manner agreed upon by the owner-supplier, but there are no production personnel on site.
Dynamic the facility is in a state of operation in the prescribed manner, and the prescribed personnel are present and working in the prescribed manner.