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Flexible Installation 5mm Tempered Silkscreen Double Glass Clean Room Windows

The Flexible Installation 5mm Tempered Silkscreen Double Glass Clean Room Windows serve as an effective durable option for clean room environments. These windows consist of 5mm tempered glass with silkscreen design to deliver protection and visibility with privacy features. These windows use double-glass construction to provide insulation as well as decreased contaminants.
  • AM-CD02

  • Amber

  • AM-CD02

The 5mm tempered glass Cleanroom Window features a double-layer construction for durability and provides exceptional isolation of external pollutants along with clean air protection for the cleanroom environment. The product features flexible installation capability that enables it to serve Cleanroom settings of diverse types. Therefore, making it an optimal choice for Cleanroom Window usage.

What are the requirements for Cleanroom Windows in a cleanroom?

Firstly, the Clean Room Windows must have good sealing performance to prevent particles and microorganisms in the outside air from entering the cleanroom. 

Secondly, the Clean Room Windows material should have high strength and corrosion resistance to cope with the chemical substances and physical impacts that may exist in the Cleanroom. 

In addition, windows need to be installed in a flexible manner to suit the structure and layout of different Cleanrooms.

What is the role of cleanroom windows in a cleanroom?

1. Observation and monitoring

Windows for Cleanroom which provide a clear view for staff to observe internal operations and ensure that processes are carried out properly, as well as facilitating the monitoring of equipment operation.

2. Isolation and protection

As a barrier between the cleanroom and the external environment, Cleanroom Through Window can effectively prevent the entry of external pollutants, while reducing the leakage of internal pollutants to maintain cleanliness.

3. Lighting and illumination

Allow natural light to enter, reducing reliance on artificial lighting, improving the working environment and reducing energy consumption.

4. Aesthetics and design

Enhance the overall aesthetics of the cleanroom, enhance the sense of space, avoid a sense of oppression, and enhance the comfort of work.

5. Safety and emergency

In case of emergency, the Cleanroom Through Window can be used as escape routes or rescue entrances to ensure personnel safety.

6. Sound insulation and noise reduction

Some of the Cleanroom Windows have sound insulation function to reduce external noise interference and maintain a quiet working environment.

Product Features

1. The product is suitable for color steel plate wall purification project and laboratory decoration project.

2. Flexible installation, good airtightness, beautiful appearance and good sound insulation.

1. The window frame is made of aluminum alloy and the glass is 5mm tempered silkscreen double glass.

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